Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Book Trailers

Several people have stated that it must be hard to create a book trailer. I would have to say, "It depends on the software program you are attempting to use."

When I first decided to make a book trailer I went to one of my favorite resource... www.youtube.com, you can find tutorials on almost any subject you want...

I researched several different software programs, finding most of them extremely complicated to work with. I decided when all else fails... "Keep it simple, dummy!", rule of thumb works the best. Microsoft Windows Movie Maker works the best for me. It is a free software program that comes on almost every computer. If your computer does not have it go to Microsoft's website and download it. Like I said it is free... Super easy to use... making the end product have a professional look and quality.

For those who do not know me or my life mate, Michael, let me introduce myself. My name is Marie and I create all of the book trailers for Michael, who writes under the pen name(s) The Quail and A J Morgan. I create the layouts for his books and his book covers to make his wonderful stories the best they can be. The hardest part for any writer is getting someone, anyone to notice their work. I do everything I can to help with this by making the covers something everyone wants to pick up and look at. Once you have the potential customer (book buyer) holding the book in their hand you the author are one step closer to making a sale. Like with any form of advertising a book trailer works, if it did not authors like, Stephen King, Christine Feehan, James Patterson would not be invest thousands of dollars using book trailers.

That's right, folks! These outstanding authors use book trailers. Professional companies charge hundreds of dollars to make these trailers. Needless to say, we did not have hundreds of dollars to invest in hiring the pro's to make Michael's book trailers so, I taught myself how to make them using every resource I could find to learn everything I could about making a trailer.

Let's take a minute and talk about music, I start with this topic because the music can make or break your trailer. Before you start to make your own trailer look at the ones that are out their online. Note the music, how it makes you feel, does it match what you are seeing, does it make you want to see more. Now turn the sound off... watch the trailer again without the sound... Did you notice that the music helps sale the story? Now get on your computer and play around with windows movie maker. Remember the copyright laws, get permission or obtain a license to use images, music, etc. No one wants all his or her hard work removed due to infringement rights. Do your research, there are free images and free music you can use as well as, sites that offer these things for a small fee.

Take a look at the two different book trailers I have created for two of Michael's books... Let me hear from you on what you think. All input is welcomed to help me improve the quality of the book trailers I am creating.



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